TUI TUI have been a fantastic supporter of Just a Drop for a number of years. In 2020 and 2021, we worked with the TUI Care Foundation to help 3,550 people across 23 communities in Kenya fight the spread of Coronavirus.With the help of the Foundation we were able to train communities in soap making skills. Soap-making materials were distributed and soap-making workshops provided all the know-how needed to make an amazing 840 litres of soap. During further hygiene training, everyone was taught how to wash their hands effectively to help prevent the spread of the virus. In total, the project reached 3,550 people across 23 communities. Hand washing with soap and water is the first line of defence against the virus so by giving the communities the knowledge and skills to practice positive hygiene, we are mitigating the impact of COVID-19.We also delivered vital and practical COVID-19 information to groups to illustrate the symptoms of coronavirus, how the virus spreads and crucially, how to prevent spreading the virus.As with all of Just a Drop's projects, the work and training that we've carried out is entirely sustainable and will support the communities for years to come.