Boodles are supporting a total of 13 Just a Drop projects across Kenya and Zambia, each of which will achieve a huge impact, changing the lives of thousands of people.

In Kenya, two sand dams supported by Boodles will provide 4,147 people with access to safe water for the first-ever time and we’ll also work in two primary schools, which a total of 633 children attend. The rain water harvesting tanks will provide safe water, all year round in the schools, where currently children are missing their classes as they’re fetching water, or they're unwell - from having to drink dirty water. 

The safe water will improve health and the children will get a better education. Importantly, there's also a programme on menstrual hygiene to be delivered in both schools, providing information, knowledge, and awareness on menstruation for both the girls and boys, including training girls in how to make reusable cloth pads using locally available materials. This will prevent girls from dropping out of school, giving them the best start in life.

A broken borehole in a place where water is scarce is a tragedy for communities in Zambia. Over the years, these have fallen into disrepair, so in each of nine villages, the boreholes will be repaired, making year-round access to safe water a reality for 3,682 people. They will no longer have to walk miles each day in the heat, to places where the water is dirty and not fit to drink, so this will be a huge, positive change. The community will be involved in each repair, to give them the skills to maintain their village boreholes, ensuring that they will last for many years to come - as well as being trained on how to practice positive hygiene behaviours, like hand washing. 

Overall, Boodles will make a clear difference.