Gifts in Wills Just a Drop's mission is simple, we will not stop until communities across the world can access sustainable safe water and sanitation facilities. You can help create this future with a gift in your will. The impact that your future gift can have Every day, women and girls across the globe spend 200 million hours collecting water. This leaves little time for anything other than cooking, and deprives their families of a potential second income. One of these women is 40 year old mother, Joyce, who up until last year, would spend hours every day walking 12km to collect water from the nearest river to her house. Even after walking that distance, the water that Joyce collected was dirty and made her and her family sick. Thanks to donors like yourself, Joyce is no longer in this position. We worked with her and her community to construct a Rock Catchment – a large rainwater catchment system that directs and collects the rainfall that flows from a steep rock face into several water tanks that the community can easily access to use safe clean water. Joyce now can access water that is close to her home and is safe for her and her family to drink. In addition to this, Joyce uses the excess water to farm on her plot of land and to help rear her livestock, enabling her to contribute to her family’s income and also giving them food security. With projects like this, the impact is clear. Joyce, her community and her family will be able to access safe water, sanitation and the benefits that come with these for years to come. The gift in your will will leave a legacy and transform lives. How donations are used to have the greatest impact For us 80% of our funding comes from our partners which enables us to run projects, 20% of our funding comes from people like you who will help us to grow long into the future. We spent every pound carefully, making sure that we use any gift or donation to really impact lives and ensure that communities can access safe water long into the future. In every £1 we spend, 80p goes towards enabling communities to access safe, clean water and sanitation, 19p is spent on fundraising and communications and 1p on governance. We see a return on every pound we spend. For every £1 we spend on fundraising, we raise £5.50. You can find out more by reading our annual reports here. With the help of incredible people like you, we've worked over the last 23 years to reach over 1.8 million people across 32 countries with safe, clean water and sanitation. Through sand dams, school tanks, biosand filters and so many other types of projects, we've helped communities to unlock potential and thrive. Over the last year alone: Behind these figures are the real people and the communities whose lives have been transformed forever because of gifts from people like you – including those who so kindly chose to remember Just a Drop in their will. How to add a gift to your will To add Just a Drop to your will you need our name, address and registered charity number: Just a Drop Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant, Richmond TW9 1DN Registered charity Number: 1100505 What we've been able to achieve so far thanks to your support: