Governance Financials 2022/23 Income During the financial year 2022/23 our total income was £820,800. Our income comes from the following sources: - Corporate donations: 45% - Public donations: 13% - Trusts: 34% - Events: 8% Expenditure During 2022/23 our expenditure was £804,030. We spent 78% of this figure, £623,849, bringing communities safe water, sanitation and hygiene projects. Of the rest, we spent 1% on governance and 21% on fundraising further funds. Reserves Just a Drop's restricted reserves must be spent on our safe water, sanitation and hygiene projects, these are £164,316. Our unrestricted reserves are £140,364, this amount can be spent on anything which isn’t project-related, such as salaries. Annual Report Read our annual report on the Charity Commission website here.