Safe water is essential for good health. It transforms lives. Communities have more time for education, play and generating an income to build brighter futures.

Safe water is closely linked to hygiene practices and sanitation. Without both adequate sanitation facilities and safe hygiene practices, water sources can become contaminated, and people can still get sick. 

703 million people globally still do not have access to safe water.
We support communities with clean water solutions:

Hand-Dug Wells
Wells are dug by hand, to reach the water stored in the aquifer below, at a depth of no more than 15 meters. Hand-dug wells, or shallow wells, are the most common way of extracting water in rural areas of the developing world. 

Drilled Wells
Machinery is used to drill down into the aquifer to extract water stored many meters below the earth's surface, and a pump is fitted for the community to bring this water up through the well.

Rainwater Harvesting
Rain falls and is directed into a sanitary water tank, usually by guttering. Rock catchment systems operate in the same way, on a larger scale, with the rainfall that flows from a steep rock face directed and collected.

Sand Dams
A dam is built across a river, and during the rainy season water flows, bringing with it sand which collects behind the dam. Water is then stored in the sand which acts as a natural filtration. The water can then be extracted through a well and handpump at the side of the river.  

Water Distribution Systems
Work by distributing water to locations through a system of pipes. Gravity Fed Water Systems use the pull of gravity to direct the flow of water to a sanitary storage tank. Piped Water Systems work by distributing piped water to a series of taps in a community. 

BioSand Filters
Biosand filters remove pathogens and other contaminants which are harmful to human health from water using layers of sand, covered with a biofilm. 

Spring Protections
A system is built to capture water from a naturally occurring spring source, and the clean water is stored.

Water storage & treatment training
Communities are trained on safe water storage, handling and treatment (such as chlorination), so as to avoid water contamination, both in the home and while collecting water.