voco Kirkton Park Hunter Valley - Kawala Primary School, Kenya Just a Drop is an international development organisation who provide sustainable safe water, sanitation, and hygiene support to communities and people in need, changing lives. An optional $1 donation can be added to your bill, which will go towards supporting our work with Just a Drop at Kawala Primary School. All funds raised from voco Kirkton Park Hunter Valley's 'Water for All' initiative will be put towards supporting Kawala Primary School in Kenya. The school lies in a rural part of Makueni County in southern Kenya. Currently, the 462 students live in extreme poverty and do not have access to either safe water or sanitation. This leads to high levels of water-related disease, which aside from the inherent danger of these diseases means that children can't attend school, can't focus well, and the school has to spend a large amount of its budget on buying water, or use dirty, unsafe water from a nearby river. But, with your help, we're working to change this. With the money raised through Water for All, we are installing a school water tank for the students at Kawala Primary School, as well as handwashing stations to maintain hygiene levels. The water tank fills with water when it rains, providing the school with enough clean water to last until the next rains, as it holds 104,000 litres. On top of this, we are also providing comprehensive menstrual health education and hygiene training. Girls often drop out of school early, due to fear of dealing with their periods at school as well as the lack of available resources with which to do so. Our menstrual health education provides girls with skills such as making reusable pads, as well as raising awareness and understanding among the school's male population. Our hygiene trainings ensure that good hygiene practices are maintained long after the project's completion. Some of the impacts on the 462 children at Kawala Primary School will be: Children are healthier and able to spend more time at school The school will have more budget available to spend on learning resources and children's educations due to not having to buy water Improved hygiene practices lead to improved long-term health Children’s attendance at school improve Children will have sufficient water to drink, and so will not be thirsty, aiding concentration Girls are able to stay in school and receive a better education due to being able to deal with their periods at school properly and privately With your help we can reach our target and help achieve safe water and hygiene at Kawala Primary School. Speak to your host or visit the Just a Drop home page for more information!