Important Update

As of the 3rd of April, Naked Sprout have agreed to double all donations to the Walk to the Well campaign. We need our partners' help to raise the most we can from this donations drive by donating and spreading the message about the double donations pledge. 

The pledge only lasts a week (until 9th April) so it is essential that we publicise the message as much as possible this week in order to maximise impact. Naked Sprout will match all donations up to £25,000 and we are very much hoping to reach the limit. If your staff or your organisation can either give or share the campaign, it will be incredibly impactful for Just a Drop and our operations ensuring that people have access to water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Below are a group of social media assets which can be shared to publicise the double donations drive. VCCP have put together an Instagram sharing package which is attached below. If yourself or your organisation is on Twitter, we ask that you simply retweet the double donations tweet and encourage your followers to donate, the link to which is here:

For Facebook and LinkedIn, we would recommend using one of the two assets attached below, along with the template text attached below.

We would like to thank you again for your tireless dedication to Just a Drop and to the #WalktotheWell campaign, with your help we will make the world a better place for a great many people.

Instagram Assets + Guide: 

Tweet to Retweet/ Quote Retweet: 

Quote Retweet Text: "All donations to @just_a_drop's #WalktotheWell campaign are being doubled by Naked Sprout! Double donations end on 9th April so hurry to make a real difference"

Facebook/ LinkedIn Assets: 

Recommended Facebook/ LinkedIn Text: "Don't miss out on the chance to donate to @justadrop 's #WalktotheWell campaign and have your donation doubled by Naked Sprout! Naked Sprout will double all donations before the 9th April, up to £25,000, so don't miss out on making double the impact to the campaign here:

The #WalktotheWell Campaign

Millions of women walk for hours every day, just to collect water. But how far would you go? Well, we are challenging people to scroll through one woman’s 9km walk to the well and back – the longest Twitter thread ever made.

This World Water Day, 22nd March 2023, we are asking Twitter users to scroll through as much of the 9km journey as they can, before liking and donating when they stop.

We have teamed up with leading creative agency VCCP and are asking our partners and supporters to help us to make this campaign a success.

What you can do:

Share The Walk to the Well on your social media platforms from 20th March 2023: All the assets and posts you need are at the bottom of this page

Tweet about it using the hashtag #WalktotheWell

Encourage your followers, friends, and co-workers to take on the challenge


The Walk

The 9km distance of the walk is inspired by Ann, from Kitui County in Kenya. Every day she walks in the blistering heat, with a 20 kilo jerrycan strapped to her head.

The walk exposes Ann to dangerous attacks and treacherous weather conditions, and her life is occupied by walking for water.

When Ann gets to the well, she sometimes has to queue for over an hour in the heat, and sometimes the well has dried up entirely.

When this is the case, Ann has to fetch water from a nearby scoop hole which is filled with dirty water ancan collapse at any moment, burying the people inside it.

Ann's story is not unique, she is one of 771 million people who do not have access to clean drinking water. 

The majority of the people who take on these gruelling journeys for water are women, wasting huge potential.

Ann's walk involves a 9 kilometre trek in the blistering heat, with a 20 kilo jerrycan strapped to her head.

The Cause

By drawing awareness to the effects of lack of access to clean water, we hope to show new audiences that these struggles largely fall upon women.

In the same month as International Women's Day and World Water Day, we hope to both draw attention to the effect of water on women's rights, as well as raising much needed funds to ensure that less women have to make the treacherous daily journey that Ann does.


Social Posts and Assets 

To make sharing the campaign as easy as possible, we've put together this presentation which contains all the assets you'll need to share the campaign:

On Facebook and LinkedIn - we'd recommend that you simply re-share the post from the Just a Drop social accounts. We can send these to you when the posts go live on Monday 20th March at 11am. 

For each platform we've also put together a quick guide: 


To get involved on Twitter all you need to do is retweet the tweet on this link:

If you’d like to use your own text, please include our hashtag and tag us: #WalktotheWell @just_a_drop 

Or you can copy & paste the below:

We’re proud supporters of the work that @just_a_drop do. And right now, they’re challenging everyone to scroll through one woman’s 9km #WalktotheWell– the longest Twitter thread ever made. Click [show this thread] below and share how far you get.


On Instagram you can get involved by downloading these assets: 

You can post on your story by adding one of our Instagram Story Posts, selecting the sticker icon (this is second from the left on the icons) and selecting link. You can then add the link to the Twitter thread here:

If you would like to do a post then we've put together this suggested content below: 

Millions of women walk for hours every day, just to collect water. But how far would you go?

For World Water Day, Just a Drop are challenging people to scroll through one woman’s 9km walk to the well and back – the longest Twitter thread ever made. Click the link in our story to see how far you can go! #WalktotheWell  


To get involved on LinkedIn all you need to is share the LinkedIn post that Just a Drop has on our LinkedIn page at 11am on the 20th March 2023. We will add this link here on the day.

If you'd like to do your own post then please include a link to the Twitter thread: 

We've put together this suggested content below, and any assets can be downloaded here: :  

Millions of women walk for hours every day, just to collect water. But how far would you go?

For World Water Day, Just a Drop are challenging people to scroll through one woman’s 9km walk to the well and back – the longest Twitter thread ever made. Click here to take on the challenge:  #WalktotheWell  


To get involved on Facebook all you need to is share the Facebook post that Just a Drop has on our Facebook page at 11am on the 20th March 2023. We will add this link here on the day.

If you'd like to do your own post then please include a link to the Twitter thread: 

We've put together this suggested content below, and any assets can be downloaded here:   

Millions of women walk for hours every day, just to collect water. But how far would you go?

For World Water Day, Just a Drop are challenging people to scroll through one woman’s 9km walk to the well and back – the longest Twitter thread ever made. Click here to take on the challenge:  #WalktotheWell  

We also have a film that can be distributed, it will go live at 11.00am on Monday 20th March and can be shared via Youtube on this link: 

Alternatively, all of the assets across all social platforms can be downloaded here: 


Q: When will the campaign go live?

A: The thread will go live, along with our campaign announcement, on the 20th March 2023, two days before World Water Day.

Q: Will you send me the link to the campaign?

A: We will be sending out the link to everyone on the 20th March and we will also include it on this page. If you would like us to help you to distribute it to your network please contact Hugo McCullagh on [email protected].

Q: Why do women most often have to walk for water?

A: In many communities where we work, such as Kitui County in Kenya, men tend to work to earn money for their families while women carry out tasks which ensure the survival of their family. Such tasks include childcare, buying and cooking food, and, of course, collecting water.

We recently wrote a really great article on this which you can read here:

Q: How long is the thread? Do I have to get to the bottom of it?

A: You absolutely don't have to get to the bottom of the thread! It will be the longest Twitter thread ever created and will comprise over 2000 individual tweets. The aim is to challenge our users to see how much of Ann's walk they can do. When you get as far as you can, just like the tweet you finish at and you will automatically be sent a message telling you how much of Ann's journey you did and directing you to a donate page where you can prevent more women like Ann needing to do this walk.

Q: How do I retweet the tweet?

A: Just head over to our Twitter page on the 20th March 2023 and press the "retweet" icon on the title tweet. You can either do this via your personal or company Twitter, and we kindly ask that you encourage your employees and co-workers to do the same!

Q: Can I use other platforms than Twitter?

A: While it is only possible to take part in the challenge on Twitter, you can help us to publicise the campaign on any platform, and direct people to our Twitter page during the campaign! 

Q: Do I have to complete the challenge to donate?

A: While we encourage everyone who can to take part in the challenge, the donation link will be in all of our social media bios and there will be a donation page on our website. We’ll share content and details of this nearer the time.

Q: Can I share information about the campaign before the 20th March?

A: We kindly ask that nobody publicises any material containing information about the campaign prior to its launch. This is based on advice from our media partners VCCP and we would be very grateful for your adherence to this.

Q: Is there anywhere else I can find out more about this? 

A: Checkout this webinar we ran a couple of weeks ago below, it has lots of information about the campaign and our thoughts for putting it together! 

For any other questions or queries, please contact Hugo McCullagh: [email protected].