Guest Blog: Just a Drop and YOU Underwear Y.O.U stands for Your Own Underwear, because everyone should have exactly that! About Y.O.U Underwear Sarah Jordan was inspired to start Y.O.U Underwear on a trip to Uganda in 2016, where she came face-to-face with the problems associated with not having underwear. She saw the number of women and children who were being excluded from school, work and even their communities – especially during their periods – all because they didn't have underwear. In some communities it is estimated that 1 in 10 girls miss school on their periods due to a lack of underwear and sanitary products. Without proper period protection, they’re left with no choice but to miss school – up to 12 weeks a year! Instead of getting her knickers in a twist about all these issues, Sarah decided to found Y.O.U Underwear on a buy-one-give-one model with Smalls for All. This quickly became buy-one-give-TWO, and so far we’ve donated over 16,000 pairs of underwear to the charity Smalls for All. One of our main goals as a business is to donate 23,000 pairs of underwear by 2023, and we’re well on our way to achieving this. All of our underwear is made from GOTS certified Organic Cotton - Conventional cotton is one of the world’s most polluting – and thirstiest! – crops, with its production relying heavily on the exploitation of people and natural resources. We also work with India’s leading ethical manufacturer to ensure that nobody is exploited in our supply chain. Giving Back to Uganda - The Place That Inspired The Business Our most recent partnership is with Just a Drop. We’re donating £1 for every menstrual cup that we sell to support menstrual hygiene projects in Wakiso District of Uganda. We’re so thrilled to be partnering with a charity that supports girls in education in a place that’s so close to our hearts - Uganda. Menstrual cups are an easy, healthy and a more sustainable alternative to disposable period products - like pads and tampons! OrganiCups are reusable for years, which means a lot less plastic waste. Your donation, through purchasing a menstrual cup, will help to support over 1,000 children with menstrual hygiene education and access to sustainable period products and soap. Our Plastic-Free July Promotion To encourage people talking about and using more sustainable period products, we’re offering a Buy One Get One Free promotion on our reusable Menstrual Cups From the 12th to 26th of July. You can share them with your friends, family or we can donate it for you - if you prefer. Get your cup here today: