Just a Drop partnered with BAC on World Water Day, 22 March 2018, to bring safe water and sanitation to communities worldwide. Since then, our partnership has reached thousands of people.

In 2024, BAC began support for a further project in Zambia, reaching 1,680 people with access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene.

Mumbwa District, Zambia

As of March 2024, BAC has been supporting six villages in Zambia, with 1,680 inhabitants between them. With BAC and Just a Drop's help, all the inhabitants of the villages are receiving access to the safe water which they currently lack.

The area is rural and dry and recent droughts have made the situation in regard to water very challenging for the people who live there, with access to safe water remaining extremely limited.

To resolve this, we are working in six villages, where in each, we are rehabilitating a broken borehole, providing access to safe water to the communities.

A broken borehole in an area where safe water is scarce is a tragedy for communities. Having it rehabilitated will be a major achievement and is also more cost efficient and effective than drilling a new borehole.

The project will achieve great benefit, people will be healthier with improved wellbeing, as they no longer have to use dirty water and children will get a better education, as they no longer have to miss classes to fetch water.

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