Uganda is a country that has suffered severe instability over the last fifty years and whilst the country now is largely peaceful, the effects of civil war still haunt remote communities and hold them back from development. Just a Drop supports these rural communities, schools and health centres with access to clean safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene training in the districts of Wakiso, Kisoro and Kapelebyong. Read more
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Sustainable Development Goal 6 is to "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all" by 2030, but how close are we? Read more
When half the world’s population spends at least 10 years of their life menstruating, and on any given day there are 300 million people menstruating worldwide. It is then overwhelming to also know that for at least 500 million women and girls[1] it is a major challenge to maintain their menstrual hygiene in a private, safe, and dignified manner. Read more
What happens when you break the silence on periods? Candid conversations with Women of the Kamba people in Kenya on the impact of including menstrual hygiene as part of WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) programmes. Read more
In the lead up to Menstrual Hygiene Day (28th May), Just a Drop will be sharing impacts, stories, and information about Menstrual Hygiene around the world and in our projects. At Just a Drop we focus on removing barriers for women and girls via Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), sometimes referred to as Menstrual Health & Hygiene (MHH). But what do we mean by Menstrual Hygiene Management? Read more
Just a Drop launched our the longest Twitter thread ever for World Water Day - following in the footsteps on Ann a 32-year-old Kenyan mother who is forced to walk 9km every day to collect water. But we were surprised to see that there seemed to be one common question: “But why don’t people move closer to the water?” Read more
At Just a Drop, we know that the travel and tourism industry can be a force for good, but as a sector, it also faces challenges; greenwashing is abundant, and rather than cultivating genuinely progressive and relevant programmes to benefit the future of our planet, companies often miss the mark with falsely ‘sustainable’ initiatives. In this article, Just a Drop explores how travel & tourism can be a force for good - combatting human wildlife conflict and supporting conservation efforts. Read more