Bring safe water to 5,497 people in Makueni County, Kenya by contributing to the construction of a sand dam, well and hand pump.

The sand dam is a sustainable solution, lasting 50 years with minimal maintenance, transforming the lives of so many; particularly women and girls through reducing the many miles they have to walk to fetch water.

With access to water, a food security programme can be established: planting of drought tolerant, climate appropriate crops, training on agricultural techniques, terracing, seed bulking and tree planting. A hygiene programme, together with soap-making training, will be implemented, generating an income for the community. In addition, local staff will be trained in menstrual hygiene management (MHM) to improve hygiene levels and enable girls to stay in school.

Kwa Voki Sand Dam, Kenya (GPS: E037.60168; S01.86782): The project cost is £27,126


  • Year round supply of safe water: improving health as water-related diseases decrease, alongside expensive related medical costs
  • Sustainable agricultural activities can be practiced: improving food production, increasing food security and decreasing malnutrition
  • Poverty will decrease due to an increase in income through selling excess crops and soap
  • Improved soil and water conservation: enabling the community to become more resilient to the effects of climate change
  • Improved knowledge of good hygiene practices and therefore health, particularly benefiting women and girls through improved MHM
  • Women and children in particular will benefit as they no longer have to fetch water and can spend time in school or employment