Just a Drop brings sustainable safe water,
sanitation and hygiene projects to communities,
transforming lives.

Why Water

703 million people globally don’t have access to safe water. Drinking dirty water makes people ill. That’s just part of the picture... A lack of safe water and sanitation holds back development and makes it harder for communities to escape the poverty trap. Just £5 can transform a life with safe water today.

Our Projects

are community-owned, sustainable, and monitored for years after completion. This ensures they make a real, transformative impact to the lives of communities for decades to come. So far we have reached over 1.96 million people with safe water and sanitation.

Get Involved!

Take on a marathon, hold a bake sale, give a monthly donation - there are so many ways you can get involved and join us in bringing clean, safe water to all.




  • Shaping a Sustainability Strategy: The Torridon Resort

    (Tap) Water for All is a special initiative aimed at the restaurant, catering and hospitality industry that enables your customers to turn the everyday act of drinking tap water into a positive social action, transforming lives all around the world. The Torridon Resort in Scotland is one of the establishments taking part in the initiative and using it to boost their sustainable credentials. Read more

Where we work