Winsley Village Winsley Village Winsley Village is a large village, west of Bradford on Avon in Wiltshire. Since 2012, Winsley Village has raised over £20,000 in support of Just a Drop. Funding 4 projects and supporting 2,500 people. They are fundraising in 2021 for their next project in Nicaragua. Since 2012 Winsley Village have supported: Busaikya Village, Uganda (196/AF/12) In October 2014, Winsley Village supported over 2,000 people in the community of Busaikya! This project involved the drilling of a borehole and hand pump, and the community were also trained in hygiene and sanitation. Kyala Primary School, Kenya (273/AF/15) 227 people were supported in Kyala in Kenya through the construction of a rainwater harvesting tank in a primary school. The school were taught WASH techniques and were also given handwashing facilities to improve the hygiene in the community! Minkwempe School and Village, Zambia (345/AF/17) In April 2019, Just a Drop drilled of a borehole and hand pump in Minkwempe School in Zambia. We also set up a Water and Sanitation Committee and gave the group training on basic hand pump maintenance and repair. This project was kindly supported by Winsley Village and supported 203 people across the community! Las Jaguas, Nicaragua (452/LA/20) Most recently, the Village have supported Las Jaguas Community in Nicaragua by supporting the construction of hand dug wells with rope pumps for extraction for 12 households in the village, enabling 70 people to have access to safe, clean water!